Moj mali kotiček o prebranih romantičnih zgodbah. My little corner about romantic books I've read.
🇸🇮 Vrtoglava strast, Jodi Ellen Malpas
Žal ti bo, da sva se kdaj spoznala, Ryan Willis."
Avtorica: Jodi Ellen Malpas
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🇸🇮 Drobni tisk
"Če je tak občutek biti ob osebi, ki je čisto sonce, bom z veseljem sprejel opeklino." Naslov: Drobni tisk Avtorica: Lauren As...
How was it possible to hate someone and love them at the same time? Book: A king of beasts Author: Beena Khan
Most people fall in love once, he fell twice. Author: Beena Khan Title: The whisper of rifts
"I'm a simple girl, with simple needs." Naslov: Ljubezenska hipoteza /The love hypothesis Avtorica: Ali Hazelwood (prebral...