🇬🇧 Kissing the Cowboy, Kennedy Fox

 “Are you sure about this? Pretending to be engaged to your best friend, who you’re secretly in love with, sounds like a bad idea.” “It’ll be fine.”


Book: Kissing the cowboy

Authors: Kennedy Fox (duo)

🇸🇮 Book Lovers, Emily Henry


"I want to be here with you and not worry about what comes next.”

But I’m thinking about you way too much. And the more space I try to put between us, the worse it is.”


KNJIGA: Book Lovers

Avtorica: Emily Henry

🇸🇮 Škotska skušnjava, Lisa Kleypas

"Toliko razlogov je, da ne bi smela biti skupaj, a le eden, zakaj bi morala biti, pa še ta niti ni dober."

"A je tudi edini pomemben."

Naslov: Škotska skušnjava

Avtorica: Lisa Kleypas

🇸🇮 Drobni tisk

  "Če je tak občutek biti ob osebi, ki je čisto sonce, bom z veseljem sprejel opeklino."   Naslov: Drobni tisk Avtorica: Lauren As...